Nattaaek Wattanuyan

Nattaaek Wattanuyan

Senior Software Engineer at Agoda

Beyond Compile Times: Leveling Up Your Developer Experience

(Sat) 19 October 2024, 15:35 @Classroom 1 - 3 (2nd Fl.)

Waiting around for your JavaScript to build? You grab a coffee, check some emails... and before you know it, 5 minutes turns into 15, and getting back into the flow feels like climbing a mountain. In this session, we’re digging into the real cost of those tiny timeouts and how they mess with our groove. We’ll show you how we’re tackling this with developer feedback tools that track build times, unit test runs, and more, so we can spot the slowdowns and start speeding things up. No more long breaks that break your focus—let’s make your workflow smoother, faster, and way more efficient!